Fisheries Practical Specimen for WAEC 2024/2025

In the context of the 2024/2025 West African Examinations Council (WAEC) fisheries practical examinations, it is crucial to become familiar with the various specimens that will be assessed. These specimens are essential instruments and materials frequently utilized by fisheries experts and enthusiasts. Grasping their functions and purposes is crucial for success in this examination.

Fisheries Practical Specimen for WAEC 2024/2025

WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen 2024/2025

The WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen for the 2024/2025 academic year comprises a diverse range of tools and materials commonly used in the field of fisheries. These specimens have been carefully chosen to assess the candidate’s understanding of practical aspects of fisheries, including techniques for fish capture, handling, and processing. Let’s explore a brief description of each specimen to aid in your preparation:

Specimen Description
Specimen A Fresh African Catfish
Specimen B Fresh Tilapia with Scales
Specimen C Drag Net
Specimen D Fish Trap
Specimen E Hook and Line
Specimen F Cast Net
Specimen G Smoked Fish
Specimen H Knife
Specimen J Charcoal
Specimen K Wire Mesh or Gauze
Specimen L Twine
Specimen M Float
Specimen N Lead or Weight
Specimen Q Canoe (Model)

WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen 2024/2025

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Detailed Explanation of the WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen 2024/2025

Specimen A – African Catfish (Fresh)
This example portrays the African catfish, a prevalent species found in freshwater fisheries. African catfish are recognizable due to their sleek, scale-free bodies and prominent barbels or whiskers near their mouths. It is crucial for success in the examination to comprehend their biology, habitat, and fundamental handling methods.

Specimen B – Tilapia (Fresh with Scale)
Tilapia, another important freshwater fish, is displayed here in its fresh state with its scales intact. The presence and condition of tilapia scales offer insights into their age and health. These fish are prized for their mild taste and adaptability to aquaculture. Candidates may be assessed on their ability to correctly identify and handle tilapia.

Specimen C – Drag Net
A drag net is an essential fishing tool used for capturing fish in larger quantities. It consists of a wide, rectangular net with floats at the top and weights at the bottom, allowing it to be pulled through the water to encircle and capture fish. Candidates must understand how to deploy and retrieve a drag net, as it is a commonly used method in both commercial and artisanal fishing.

Specimen D – Fish Trap
Fish traps are ingenious devices designed to entice and capture fish. This specimen represents a typical fish trap, showcasing its structure and design. Candidates might be expected to explain the functioning of fish traps, the various types available, and their ecological impact.

Specimen E – Hook and Line
The hook and line method involve the use of hooks attached to lines for fish capture. This selective technique allows fishermen to target specific species or sizes. Candidates should possess knowledge about different hooks, baiting techniques, and the safe handling of hook and line equipment.

Specimen F – Cast Net
The cast net is a circular fishing net that is thrown and then pulled back in, trapping fish within its radius. Effectively casting a net demands skill and precision. Candidates might be asked to demonstrate the correct technique for casting a net and explain its advantages in specific fishing scenarios.

Specimen G – Smoked Fish
Smoked fish is a preserved product commonly found in fisheries. This specimen represents fish that have undergone smoking, a preservation method that employs heat and smoke from burning charcoal or wood. Candidates may be queried about the smoking process, its advantages, and its role in extending the shelf life of fish.

Specimen H – Knife
The knife is a versatile tool in fisheries, used for cleaning, gutting, and filleting fish. Candidates should grasp the importance of knife safety, proper handling, and its diverse applications in fish processing.

Specimen J – Charcoal
Charcoal is frequently used in smoking fish as a source of heat and smoke. Candidates need to elucidate the role of charcoal in smoking, its properties, and how it contributes to preserving fish.

Specimen K – Wire Mesh/Gauze
Wire mesh or gauze is a prevalent material used in the construction of various fishing equipment like traps and screens. Candidates should be familiar with its properties, durability, and applications in fisheries.

Specimen L – Twine
Twine is robust and durable string or cordage used in various fishing activities, including net repair and construction. Candidates should comprehend its characteristics, types, and its significance in fisheries.

Specimen M – A Float
Floats are buoyant objects employed to keep fishing lines or nets afloat in the water, ensuring they remain at the desired depth. Candidates should be capable of explaining the purpose of floats and how they aid in fishing operations.

Specimen N – Lead/Weight
Lead or weights are added to fishing lines or nets to help them sink or maintain a specific depth in the water. Candidates should understand the importance of weights in fishing and their role in different fishing techniques.

Specimen Q – Canoe (Model)
This specimen represents a model of a canoe, a common watercraft utilized in fishing. Candidates may be tasked with describing the various components of a canoe, its stability, and its suitability for different fishing environments. Understanding the role of canoes in fisheries is essential for candidates aiming to excel in the examination.

What are the items included in the WAEC 2024/2025 Fisheries Practical exam?

The WAEC 2024/2025 Fisheries Practical exam features a wide range of tools and materials essential in the field of fisheries. These items consist of the African catfish (fresh), Tilapia (fresh with scales), drag net, fish trap, hook and line, cast net, smoked fish, knife, charcoal, wire mesh/gauze, twine, a float, lead/weight, and a model of a canoe. Each of these items represents significant aspects of the fisheries industry, encompassing various fish species, fishing techniques, and equipment used for capturing and processing fish. It is imperative to acquaint oneself with these items and their practical applications to succeed in the examination and gain valuable knowledge in the fisheries field.

In summary

The WAEC Fisheries Practical Specimen for the 2024/2025 examination includes a diverse array of tools and resources relevant to the fisheries industry. Understanding how these items function and their real-world applications is essential for success in the exam and for individuals aspiring to excel in the fisheries field. As you prepare for the practical test, make sure to become familiar with these items and their practical use in actual fishing scenarios. Best of luck with your examination!

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