How to Grow an Avocado Tree From Seed: A Step by Step Guide

As an avid gardener, you know the satisfaction that comes from nurturing a plant from seed to fruit. Avocados are a perfect candidate for home growing as they can thrive with minimal maintenance and produce delicious, nutritious fruit. While avocado trees can live and produce for many decades, the road to maturity starts with a single seed. With some basic knowledge and care, you’ll be on your way to growing an avocado tree that provides an abundance of creamy fruit. Follow these simple steps to start your avocado growing journey right from the beginning.

Selecting a Healthy Avocado Seed to Grow

To grow an avocado tree from seed, selecting a healthy seed is key. Look for avocados that were grown locally and are certified organic. Conventionally grown avocados may have seeds that won’t germinate or produce viable trees.

Choosing a Seed

Choose an avocado that is slightly soft when gently squeezed, indicating it’s ripe and the seed inside is mature. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the seed. Rinse off any excess avocado fruit from the seed and pat dry with a paper towel.

Inspect the seed for any cracks, fungus or insect damage. A healthy seed will be firm and smooth. If the seed has begun to germinate inside the fruit already with a small root emerging, that is a good sign it is viable. However, do not let the seed dry out at this stage or the emerging root may die. Plant it immediately after removing from the avocado.

For the best chance of success, choose the largest seed possible. Larger seeds tend to produce more vigorous seedlings and mature into trees faster. However, a smaller seed can work too, it may just take longer to become established.

It is a myth that only one seed out of many will germinate. When started properly and cared for, most avocado seeds can produce healthy seedlings. However, some seeds may be more robust or vigorous than others due to natural genetic differences. With the proper care and conditions, even smaller seeds or those that take longer to germinate can thrive. The key is providing what the young seedling needs to become established in its new environment.

With a viable, undamaged seed selected, you are ready to start the germination process. Be patient through this step, as it can take 2-6 weeks for the seed to sprout. But with consistent moisture and warmth, you’ll soon have an avocado seedling ready to pot up!

Preparing the Avocado Seed for Planting

To prepare an avocado seed for planting, there are a few key steps to follow:

Selecting a Ripe Avocado

Choose an avocado that yields slightly to pressure for the best chance of germination. Overripe or underripe avocados are less likely to sprout. Look for an avocado with unblemished, evenly textured skin.

Removing the Seed

Cut the avocado in half lengthwise around the seed. Twist the halves to separate them. Remove the seed by gently prying it out with a spoon, being careful not to damage it. Rinse off any excess avocado fruit from the seed under running water.

Drying and Peeling

Allow the seed to dry completely for 2 to 3 days. Once dried, remove the outer brown seed covering. Use your fingernails to gently peel off the covering, being careful not to damage the inner seed. The covering should peel off easily once dried. Discard the dried outer covering.

Pre-Sprouting (Optional)

For faster germination, you can pre-sprout the seed before planting. Place the seed in a jar of water so that about an inch of the seed is submerged. Change the water every 2 to 3 days. Watch for the seed to split and a tiny root to emerge, which can take 3 to 8 weeks. Once it has sprouted, proceed to planting the seed. Pre-sprouting is optional but can speed up the initial growth.

By following these key steps carefully in preparing an avocado seed for planting, you will give your seed the best chance of sprouting into a healthy, young avocado tree. With some patience and the right conditions, you’ll be enjoying homegrown avocados before you know it!

Rooting the Avocado Seed in Water

To root an avocado seed in water, you’ll need a few basic supplies:

Selecting a Ripe Avocado

Choose an avocado that feels slightly soft when gently squeezed, indicating it’s ripe and the seed is mature enough to germinate. Gently twist the avocado in half, remove the seed, and peel off any fruit still attached.

Preparing the Seed

Rinse the seed under running water to remove any residue. Gently scrape off the brown seed coat with your fingernail, being careful not to damage the seed underneath. Soak the seed in a container of room temperature filtered water for 24 to 48 hours before planting. This helps soften the seed coat and initiates the germination process.

Choosing a Container

Select a container that is at least 6 inches deep and wide, with drainage holes. A glass jar, plastic container, or canning jar all work well. Fill the container about halfway with room temperature filtered water.

Planting the Seed

Place three or four toothpicks into the side of the avocado seed at its widest point. The toothpicks will suspend the seed over the rim of the container so the bottom half is submerged in water. Change the water at least once a week or if it becomes cloudy.

Monitoring Growth

Keep the seed in a warm area away from direct sunlight. Growth can take 4 to 6 weeks. Check regularly to ensure the water level remains consistent and add water as needed. Once roots and a stem start to form, you’ll need to plant the seed in well-draining potting mix.

Potting for Growth

When the stem reaches 6 to 7 inches, it’s ready to be potted. Choose a pot with drainage holes that is at least 10 inches deep and wide. Fill it with well-draining potting mix and plant the seed so the top third remains above the soil. Place in a warm, sheltered location with filtered light and maintain moderately moist soil.

With the proper care and conditions, you’ll have a young avocado tree ready to fruit in just a couple of years. Following these steps carefully will give your avocado seed the best chance of germinating successfully into a healthy, productive tree.

Transplanting the Seedling Into Soil

Once your avocado seed has sprouted roots and the stem has grown several inches tall, it’s time to transplant it into soil. This allows the roots to become established so your seedling can continue to grow into a healthy young tree.

Selecting a Pot

Choose a pot with drainage holes that is at least 1 gallon in size. A container too small will restrict the roots and inhibit growth. For the best results, select a pot size that is at least 2 to 3 times the size of the current root ball. A plastic or glazed ceramic pot is a good option for a young avocado tree.

Preparing the Soil

Use a loose, well-draining potting mix for avocados. A mixture of perlite, peat moss, and compost or potting soil will provide the necessary drainage and aeration for the roots. The soil pH should be slightly acidic, around 6 to 6.5. Fill the bottom 1/3 of the pot with the potting mix.

Transplanting the Seedling

Once the pot and soil are ready, carefully remove the seedling from its current container. Gently loosen the roots if they appear tightly tangled or matted. Place the seedling in the center of the pot, checking that the top of the roots sit about 1 inch below the rim of the container.

Watering and Care

Water the seedling thoroughly after transplanting until water flows from the drainage holes. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Water when the top 2 to 3 inches are dry. Fertilize during the growing season. Place the pot in a sunny spot indoors, such as near a sunny window. Turn the pot regularly to promote even growth.

With the proper care and conditions, your young avocado tree will establish itself in the new pot and continue to grow into a healthy, productive plant. Providing ideal lighting, temperatures, water, drainage, and nutrients from an early stage will set your avocado tree up for success for many years to come.

Caring for Your Young Avocado Tree

Once your avocado pit has sprouted and developed into a seedling, it will require attentive care to thrive. Providing the proper growing conditions during this critical stage will encourage healthy root and leaf development, allowing your young tree to become established.

Choosing a Permanent Container

After the seedling reaches 6-8 inches in height, it should be transplanted into a container one size larger, at least 10 inches deep and wide. A container with drainage holes is essential to prevent root rot. Fill the bottom of the pot with a layer of gravel or perlite before adding potting mix.

Finding the Right Location

Place the young tree in a spot with bright, indirect light, such as near a sunny window. Avocados can tolerate some shade, but need lots of ambient light for optimal growth. A sheltered location, protected from drafts and extreme heat or cold, is ideal. Turn the pot regularly to ensure even exposure.

Watering and Feeding

Keep the soil moderately moist but not soggy. Water when the top few inches become dry, usually every 7-10 days. Feed with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Reduce watering and fertilizer in the fall and winter when growth slows.


Pruning the young avocado tree will help shape it and promote new growth. Once the seedling reaches 12 inches tall, pinch off the top few leaves. This will encourage bushier growth below the pruning cut. Remove any dead or damaged leaves as needed to improve appearance and overall health.


Repot the young tree every 6-12 months as needed to provide fresh, nutrient-rich soil and encourage root growth. Look for a container one size larger and replenish the layer of gravel or perlite at the bottom for drainage before adding new potting mix. Bury the stem up to the top cluster of leaves to stimulate root production.

With consistent moisture, light, and feeding, your young avocado tree will gain strength and continue to grow into a healthy, productive plant. Providing ideal conditions during this formative stage is key to its successful long term cultivation. Proper pruning, repotting and protection from environmental stresses will help ensure your avocado tree thrives for years to come.

Troubleshooting Common Problems With Avocado Trees

Once your avocado tree is established, there are a few common issues to watch out for. By identifying problems early and taking appropriate action, you can ensure your tree stays healthy and productive.

Nutrient Deficiencies

If your avocado tree shows signs of yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or poor fruit production, it may have a nutrient deficiency. Avocado trees require nitrogen, iron, zinc, boron, and several other micronutrients to thrive. Have your soil tested to determine what nutrients are lacking. You can then treat the deficiency by applying a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer and any needed micronutrients. For faster results, you can also spray liquid foliar nutrients directly on the leaves.

Pests or Disease

Inspect your avocado tree regularly for signs of common pests like avocado thrips, scale, mites, or lace bug. You may see stippling, spots, or webbing on leaves. Treat infestations early with horticultural oil or insecticidal soap. Fungal diseases like root rot, anthracnose, or scab can also damage avocado trees. Prune away infected plant material, increase air circulation, and apply a copper-based fungicide.

Temperature Stress

Avocado trees can suffer cold damage or sunscald. If temperatures drop below 30 F, cold damage can occur. Wrap or drape your tree to protect it from freezing weather. Sunscald happens when temperatures fluctuate a lot, causing the bark to split. Paint the trunk with white latex paint to prevent sunscald.

Root Problems

Avocado trees need well-draining, loamy soil to thrive. If roots sit in soggy, compacted soil, root rot can develop. Improve drainage and aeration around the root zone. You may need to prune some roots before treating the soil. Avocado trees also have sensitive roots, so be careful not to damage them during yard work or digging.

By monitoring your avocado tree closely, you’ll catch most common problems before they become severe. Take appropriate action to restore your tree to health and get it back on track to producing delicious fruit. With attentive care and occasional maintenance, your avocado tree can live and produce for many years.

Pruning Your Avocado Tree

To properly prune your avocado tree, follow these recommendations:


The ideal time to prune an avocado tree is late winter or early spring, before new growth starts. Pruning in late fall or winter can encourage new growth that is susceptible to frost damage. Avoid pruning in summer when the tree is actively growing.


Use sharp, clean pruning tools to make clean cuts, such as pruning shears, loppers, and pruning saws. Sterilize tools with rubbing alcohol to prevent the spread of disease.

Remove dead or damaged branches

Scan your avocado tree for any dead, dying or damaged branches and remove them. Cuts should be made just outside the branch collar at the base of the branch. Removing dead or damaged wood will improve air circulation and the overall health of the tree.

Thin out dense foliage

Avocado trees can become very dense, especially as they produce more fruit. Thin out branches and foliage in the center and top of the tree to improve air circulation and light penetration. This will minimize disease and help the remaining fruit develop better flavor. Remove any shoots growing inward, straight up, or crossing and rubbing other branches.

Shape the tree (if needed)

If your avocado tree has an uneven shape due to uneven branch growth, you can do some corrective pruning to improve its form. Remove any strongly vertical branches, especially those in the center of the tree. Shorten or remove selected side branches to create a more symmetrical, rounded canopy. Take care not to remove more than 25% of the tree’s total foliage at one time.

Reduce height (if needed)

If your avocado tree has become too tall, you can reduce its height by cutting it back by up to one-third. Make cuts to side branches and the central leader to shorten the overall height. This will also help the tree produce fruit at a more manageable height. Take care not to remove more than 25% of the tree’s total foliage at one time.

By following these pruning guidelines, you can help your avocado tree develop a strong structure, improve health and fruit production, and maintain an ideal size for easy care and harvest. Performing annual maintenance pruning and more significant corrective pruning as needed will keep your avocado tree looking its best.

When Will Your Avocado Tree Bear Fruit?

Once your avocado seed has sprouted and the seedling is a few inches tall, you may start to wonder when it will produce fruit. Avocado trees grown from seed generally take several years to reach maturity and bear fruit. The exact time will depend on the variety of avocado, as some cultivars produce fruit earlier than others. In general, you can expect the following timeframes:

  • Seedling avocado trees typically produce fruit within 3 to 5 years after sprouting, depending on the variety. Some varieties, such as Fuerte or Hass, may take 4 to 6 years.
  • The tree needs to reach a certain size, usually 6 to 8 feet tall, before it will flower and produce fruit. This ensures the tree is mature enough to support fruit growth and development. Regular fertilizing and pruning will help encourage healthy growth during these early years.
  • The first flowers your avocado tree produces may not actually develop into fruit. It can take a few flowering cycles for the tree to become established enough to fully pollinate the flowers and produce avocados. Do not be discouraged if the first flowers fall off without producing fruit.
  • Once your avocado tree starts producing fruit, the harvest will increase each year as the tree continues to grow and mature. A healthy, mature tree can produce 200 or more avocados per year.
  • The fruiting season for avocados depends on the variety. Some cultivars produce fruit in the winter or spring, while others produce in the summer or fall. The fruit typically takes 6 to 12 months to mature on the tree after the flower is pollinated.

With patience and proper care, your avocado tree grown from seed will reward you with homegrown fruit in a few years’ time. Providing ideal growing conditions and nurturing your seedling through its early development will set the stage for an abundant harvest of delicious avocados for many years to come.

How to Grow an Avocado Tree From Seed FAQs

Once your avocado seed has sprouted and grown into a small seedling, it’s time to consider some of the common questions that arise when growing an avocado tree.

When should I plant my avocado seedling outside?

When the seedling is 6 to 12 inches tall with several sets of leaves, it can be transplanted outside. Choose a spot with well-draining, fertile soil and full sun exposure for at least 6 to 8 hours per day. Bury the seedling at the same level it was growing in the container. Water thoroughly after planting and mulch around the base of the seedling to help retain moisture in the soil.

How often should I water my avocado tree?

For the first year, water your avocado tree regularly to keep the soil consistently damp. Water when the top few inches become dry, which will likely be every few days. After the first year, water less frequently, allowing the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Avocado trees do not like soggy soil, so only water when needed and never leave them sitting in water.

When will my avocado tree produce fruit?

Avocado trees grown from seed typically take between 3 to 5 years to produce fruit. The exact time will depend on the cultivar, climate, and how quickly your tree grows. Avocado trees need to mature and become established before they are able to flower and set fruit. With the proper care and maintenance, your avocado tree should reward your patience with a bountiful harvest in several years’ time.

How should I fertilize my avocado tree?

During the growing season, fertilize young avocado trees every few weeks. Use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer with equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, such as 10-10-10. Follow the directions on the product packaging and dilute to 1/2 the recommended strength for new trees. Fertilizer will help encourage healthy new growth. In the fall and winter, reduce or stop feeding when growth slows down.

Should I prune my avocado tree?

Pruning an avocado tree is not usually necessary but light pruning can help shape the tree and improve air circulation. Remove any dead or crossing branches. Once the tree starts producing fruit, you can do some selective pruning to open up the canopy and improve light exposure within the tree. Never prune more than 30% of the foliage at one time.

Conclusion: How to grow avocado at home from seed

You now have all the information you need to start your own avocado tree from seed. While the process requires patience, growing an avocado tree can be a rewarding experience. In a few months, with regular care and maintenance, you’ll be able to see the first signs of life sprouting from your seeds. And in a few years, you may be enjoying homegrown avocados. Growing plants from seed connects us to the natural world and gives us an opportunity to nurture new life. Though avocado trees can live and produce fruit for many decades, the journey begins with a single seed. Now it’s time for you to plant your seed, keep the soil moist, place it in a warm spot, and wait. With luck and care, you’ll soon have an avocado sapling, and eventually, a tree that provides delicious fruit for years to come. The opportunity to grow your own avocado tree is within your reach. All you need to do is take that first step. Plant your seed today.



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