How to Start a Profitable Rabbit Farming Business This Year

You’ve always wanted to start your own sustainable business. You crave the freedom of being your own boss and building something meaningful. If this sounds like you, then rabbit farming could be an ideal venture. Rabbits are in high demand for both meat and pet purposes, and they require relatively little space and capital to get started. Within a year, you can build a thriving rabbitry and establish multiple revenue streams to generate a healthy profit. In this article, you’ll discover a step-by-step plan for launching your own profitable rabbit farming business. You’ll learn how to select a breed, build housing, breed rabbits, process meat, and tap into lucrative markets. With some hard work and persistence, your dream of starting a sustainable business can become a reality through rabbit farming.

An Introduction to Profitable Rabbit Farming

To start a profitable rabbit farming business, you’ll need to do thorough research and planning. Rabbits are small livestock animals that can be raised humanely and sustainably.

Select a Rabbit Breed

Choose a breed suitable for your location and production goals. Some popular meat breeds are New Zealand Whites, Californians, and Flemish Giants. For angora wool, choose English or French Angoras. Rex and Mini Rex breeds are also popular as pets.

Housing and Equipment

You’ll need proper housing like hutches, cages, or pens to keep rabbits sheltered and contained. Provide feeders, water bottles, nesting boxes, grooming equipment, and waste collection trays. Fencing, leashes, and carriers are also useful for transporting rabbits.

Feed and Nutrition

Rabbits require a diet of grass hays like timothy, oat, and orchard grass along with pellets to provide nutrients. Also provide fresh vegetables, fruits, and constant access to clean water. For meat production, use a high-protein pellet to encourage growth.


To breed rabbits, select a male (buck) and female (doe) of breeding age – usually 6-12 months. Place them together in the doe’s hutch until mating occurs, then separate them. Does typically give birth 31-33 days after mating and nurse their young (kittens) for 8 weeks. Bucks can remain fertile and mate with multiple does for many years.

Processing and Marketing

For meat production, rabbits can be harvested at 9-12 weeks of age. Pelts can also be sold to furriers. Market your rabbits directly to consumers, restaurants, pet stores or wool producers. Build your business through social media, advertising, and establishing a strong customer base.

With the proper care and business skills, rabbit farming can be a very rewarding enterprise. Do your research, start small, and grow your operation over time as you gain more experience.

Important Considerations When Starting a Rabbit Farm

To establish a profitable commercial rabbit farming business, there are several important factors you must consider.

First and foremost, you need to determine the breed of rabbits you want to raise. The three most common meat rabbit breeds are New Zealand Whites, Californians, and Flemish Giants. New Zealand Whites are a medium-sized breed that reproduces quickly, while Californians and Flemish Giants are larger breeds suitable for meat production. You should choose a breed based on the size of rabbits you want to raise and your local market demand.

You must also secure proper housing for your rabbits. Hutches should be spacious, easy to clean, and protect rabbits from harsh weather and predators. Provide nesting boxes for breeding does. Consider using wire mesh flooring to allow droppings to pass through, and place the hutches in a sheltered building for harsher climates.

In addition, develop a comprehensive business plan that includes financial projections. Calculate costs of breeding stock, housing, feed, and medical care. Determine how you will market and sell your rabbit meat within legal requirements. Build connections with local butchers, farmers markets, and restaurants.

Furthermore, you need to understand proper care and feeding requirements for your rabbits. Provide a diet of timothy grass, alfalfa, and pelleted feed, along with constant access to clean water. Breeding does require more feed, especially when nursing kits. Schedule vaccinations and health checkups with a veterinarian experienced with rabbits.

With the right preparation and care, a commercial rabbit farming operation can be a very profitable business. Do extensive research, plan well, provide high-quality care for your animals, and actively market your rabbit meat. Success will be yours.

Selecting the Right Rabbit Breeds for Meat and Fur

Selecting the Right Rabbit Breeds for Meat and Fur Production

When starting a rabbit farming business, choosing breeds suited for commercial meat and fur production is essential. Some of the most popular meat and fur breeds include:

  • New Zealand White: This breed is ideal for meat production. Rabbits are fast growing, reaching 5-6 pounds in 8-12 weeks. They produce lean meat and have a high meat-to-bone ratio.
  • Californian: Another excellent meat breed. Californian rabbits are large, fast-growing, and produce high-quality pelts. They reach 6-10 pounds in 8-12 weeks. Their fur is prized for its density, length and softness.
  • Rex: The Rex breed is prized for its luxurious fur. Rabbits produce a high volume of soft, dense fur. While smaller in size, reaching only 6-8 pounds, their pelts are highly valuable. Rex fur is used to make fur coats, trim and felt.
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When selecting breeds, consider your target market and available resources. Larger breeds require more space and food but produce greater volumes of meat and fur. Smaller breeds may be more practical for small-scale operations. It is also important to choose breeds suited to your climate. Some breeds do better in hot or cold weather.

Another factor is breeding stock. Choose high-quality, healthy breeding stock from reputable sources. Healthy, well-bred stock will produce larger litters, grow faster and have higher quality fur and meat. It is worth investing in quality stock to maximize productivity and profits.

In summary, by selecting suitable breeds for your needs and environment, investing in high-quality breeding stock, and understanding the growth rates and characteristics of different breeds, you can choose breeds strategically tailored to optimize your commercial rabbit farming operation. Careful planning and preparation will help set your new business up for success.

Designing Your Rabbit Housing and Facilities

To establish a profitable rabbit farming business, you must invest in proper housing and facilities for your rabbits. Housing rabbits in inadequate conditions can lead to disease, injury, and poor growth, reducing profits. Consider the following when designing your rabbit housing:


Each rabbit requires ample space. For medium-sized breeds, provide at least 8 square feet of floor space per rabbit. The housing should be tall enough for you to easily access and clean, at minimum 4 to 6 feet high.


Rabbits need protection from harsh weather and elements. Locate housing in a sheltered area, and construct walls and a slanted roof for weather resistance. Leave the front partially open but include closable doors or flaps.


Use flooring that is easy to clean and prevents injury, such as wire mesh or slatted wood. Wire or mesh flooring allows droppings to fall through, keeping the enclosure clean. Place nesting boxes and platforms above the floor for resting.

Feeding and watering equipment

Include feeding hoppers, troughs or automatic feeders to supply pelleted feed. Provide suspended water bottles or automatic watering systems to give rabbits constant access to clean water.

Nesting boxes

For breeding does, include spacious nesting boxes for kindling and raising litters. Nesting boxes should be sheltered, weather-resistant, and contain soft bedding such as wood shavings.


Surround outdoor enclosures with fencing that extends several feet into the ground to prevent rabbits from escaping by burrowing underneath. Use wire fencing with small mesh, such as 1-inch by 1-inch or smaller.

By designing housing and facilities tailored to your specific rabbit breed and local climate, you can keep your rabbits healthy, comfortable and productive. Proper housing is essential for establishing a profitable rabbit farming business. With quality facilities and attentive management, your new rabbitry can thrive.

Feeding and Caring for Your Rabbits

Feeding Your Rabbits

To keep your rabbits healthy and producing quality meat or fur, it is important to feed them a proper diet. Rabbits require a diet high in fiber, protein, and various nutrients. The typical diet for most meat and fur rabbits should be:

  • High-quality pelleted feed: Provide pelleted feed specifically formulated for rabbits as the main part of your rabbits’ diet. These pellets will provide the necessary fiber, protein, and nutrients for your rabbits. Offer unlimited pellets to young rabbits and does that are nursing. For other adult rabbits, provide 1/4 to 1/2 pound of pellets per 5-6 pounds of body weight daily.
  • Grass hays: Grass hays like timothy, oat, and orchard provide extra fiber. Give each rabbit 1-2 pounds of hay per 5-6 pounds of body weight daily. The hay should make up the majority of an adult rabbit’s diet.
  • Fresh water: Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. Change and refill water bottles or bowls daily.
  • Vegetables: Leafy green vegetables like romaine lettuce, spinach, and kale can be given in moderation. Limit vegetables to no more than 1 cup per 6 pounds of body weight 2-3 times per week. Too many vegetables can lead to diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems in rabbits.
  • Optional: You can also provide small amounts of rolled oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and alfalfa as occasional treats in moderation. Limit treats to no more than 1 tablespoon per 6 pounds of body weight 2-3 times per week.

Caring for Your Rabbits

In addition to a proper diet, you must also house your rabbits appropriately and handle and groom them regularly to keep them healthy and productive. Be sure to:

  • Provide spacious hutches that protect from harsh weather.
  • Groom rabbits regularly by brushing and bathing. Trim nails if they get too long.
  • Handle and interact with rabbits daily to socialize them, especially young rabbits.
  • Check rabbits daily for any signs of illness or injury and consult a vet if needed.
  • Schedule annual checkups with a vet experienced with rabbits to monitor health.
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Following these feeding and care guidelines will help you raise healthy, productive rabbits and build a successful rabbit farming business. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Breeding Rabbits and Growing Your Stock

To grow your rabbitry, you’ll need to start breeding rabbits. Selecting quality breeding stock and managing breeding cycles properly are key to building up your herd in a sustainable way.

Choosing Breeding Rabbits

When choosing breeding rabbits, look for healthy specimens that exhibit desirable traits for meat, fur, or show. For meat rabbits, select breeds known for fertility, fast growth, and good meat-to-bone ratio. Check that the rabbits are at least 8 months old and weigh between 8 to 12 pounds. Examine the pedigree and health records to ensure there are no genetic diseases in the line.

Breeding Cycles

Female rabbits (does) reach sexual maturity between 4 to 6 months and have an estrus cycle every 4 to 6 weeks. They are most fertile during estrus, which lasts around 72 hours. To breed the doe, bring the male (buck) to the doe’s hutch during estrus. Watch to ensure mating is successful, then return the buck to his own hutch. Does typically deliver 31 to 33 days after mating.

Limit breeding cycles to no more than six times a year to prevent health issues. Allow does to rest for at least one estrus cycle between breedings. During breeding and pregnancy, feed the doe a high-protein diet to support milk production. Also provide nesting materials, like hay and wood shavings, for the new litter.

The doe will nurse the litter for about 4 to 6 weeks. Record litter size, number born alive, and number weaned to monitor the doe’s productivity and cull less productive individuals from the breeding program. Selected young does can start breeding around 5 to 6 months, and selected bucks around 7 months. Regularly rotating in quality breeding stock with desirable genetic traits will enable you to consistently improve your herd.

Following recommended breeding practices will allow you to efficiently and sustainably increase your stock. Paying close attention to genetics, health, and productivity will enable you to breed quality rabbits suitable for your farming goals. With time and experience, you’ll be well on your way to building a profitable rabbitry.

Common Diseases to Watch Out For

As with any livestock operation, rabbit farming comes with risks of disease that require vigilance and proper care. Be on the lookout for the following common ailments to keep your rabbits healthy and productive.


Also known as snuffles, this is a highly contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by the Pasteurella multocida bacteria. Signs include sneezing, nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, and fever. Isolate infected animals immediately and have a vet prescribe appropriate antibiotics. Practice good hygiene like regular cleaning and disinfection of cages and equipment to prevent spread.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Conditions like enterotoxemia, mucoid enteritis, and coccidiosis can cause diarrhea, dehydration, and even death if left untreated. Have fecal samples tested regularly to check for parasites like Eimeria that cause coccidiosis. Treat with anti-coccidial drugs as directed. Provide ample clean, fresh water at all times to prevent dehydration from diarrhea.

Reproductive Problems

Does may experience difficulties becoming pregnant or giving birth. Have your vet examine does that do not become pregnant after multiple breedings to check for issues like uterine scarring or ovarian cysts. Does giving birth for the first time may need assistance if labor lasts longer than 30 minutes with no progress. Be prepared to take does to an experienced vet to perform emergency C-sections if necessary to prevent loss of life.


Broken bones, bite wounds, and other injuries can occur, especially in group-housed rabbits. Check rabbits at least once daily for any signs of injury and isolate if found. Clean and treat any wounds properly. For broken bones, splint the affected limb and take the rabbit to a vet experienced in bone repair as soon as possible.

By closely observing your rabbits every day, maintaining clean living conditions, and working with an experienced vet, you can minimize health issues and keep your operation profitable. Address any problems early and be prepared to cull chronically ill animals if needed. Keep detailed records of treatments, vaccinations, and other medical care to help identify patterns. With proper management, rabbit diseases and health issues can be overcome.

Marketing and Selling Your Rabbits and Rabbit Products

To run a profitable rabbit farming business, you must have a solid plan in place for marketing and selling your rabbits and rabbit products. There are several options to consider:

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Selling Live Rabbits

Many people are interested in purchasing live rabbits as pets. You can sell rabbits directly to individuals, or to pet stores and breeders. Advertise your live rabbits for sale on websites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and NextDoor. You may also want to create your own website to help promote your business and list available rabbits. Be sure to take high quality photos of your rabbits to help attract buyers. Consider offering delivery for an additional fee.

Selling Meat Rabbits

Rabbit meat, known as lapin, is a popular delicacy for some. You can sell live meat rabbits to individuals, restaurants, grocers, and butchers. Many people are interested in locally-sourced, organic meats. Market your meat rabbits as humanely and sustainably raised. Build relationships with chefs and butchers who may be interested in featuring locally-raised rabbit on their menus or in their shops. You may be able to negotiate a premium price for your meat rabbits.

Selling Rabbit Products

In addition to selling live animals, you can also sell rabbit products like meat, fur, and manure. Rabbit meat can be sold fresh or processed into cuts like loins, ribs, sausage, or jerky. Rabbit fur can be used to make clothing, blankets, and other items. Composted rabbit manure makes excellent fertilizer for gardens and lawns. Developing multiple revenue streams from your operation will increase profitability.

By exploring various marketing and selling options, determining your target customers, building key partnerships, and effectively promoting your business, you can develop a successful strategy to sell your rabbits and rabbit products at a profit. With hard work and persistence, your rabbit farming business can thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions About Starting a Profitable Rabbit Farm

Once you have established your rabbit farm, questions will inevitably arise regarding operations and next steps. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about starting a profitable rabbit farm:

How much space do I need for a rabbit farm?

To operate a profitable rabbit farm, you will need adequate space for housing, feeding, and breeding your rabbits. As a general rule of thumb, you will want to allocate at least 24 square feet of space for each doe and its litter. The space should be enclosed, ventilated, and protected from extreme weather conditions. You will also need additional space for food storage, equipment, and waste management.

What should I feed my rabbits?

A proper diet is essential for healthy, productive rabbits. The majority of a rabbit’s diet should consist of grass hays, such as timothy, orchard grass or oat hay. You should also provide a commercial pelleted feed formulated for meat or breeding rabbits. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. Limit treats to no more than 10% of the total diet to avoid obesity and health issues.

How do I breed rabbits?

To breed rabbits, you will need male and female rabbits that are of breeding age (6-12 months). Place the male, known as a buck, in the female’s, known as a doe’s, enclosure. The doe is fertile for only a few hours after breeding, so the buck should remain with the doe for multiple breedings during this window to increase the chances of pregnancy. The gestation period is approximately 31 days. The doe will give birth to a litter of 4-12 kits, which should be weaned around 4 to 6 weeks of age.

How do I process and sell the meat?

Butchering and selling rabbit meat requires proper handling, licensing, and facilities. Rabbits should be dispatched humanely and the carcasses processed quickly. The meat must be properly chilled, cut, and packaged for sale. Many small farms sell frozen rabbit meat, but you may also explore farmers markets, restaurants, and direct online sales. All sales must comply with local health department regulations.

By addressing these common questions and concerns, you will gain valuable insight into starting a profitable rabbit farming operation. With adequate planning and preparation, you can build a successful business raising and selling premium rabbit meat.

Conclusion : Rabbit farming Guide

With demand for sustainable and humane sources of meat and protein on the rise, now is an excellent time to start a rabbit farming business. By following the steps outlined above to develop a solid business plan, secure financing, acquire quality breeding stock, build proper housing, and market your products effectively, you can establish a profitable rabbitry within the year. Though it will require diligent work and patience, rabbit farming can be an extremely rewarding endeavor both financially and personally. If you have a passion for animal husbandry and want to operate an ethical meat production business, consider starting a rabbit farm. With hard work and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to success.





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